Does Apple airport express work well?

I am considering purchasing one but have read a few reviews stating it cuts out periodicly. Do these people have something wrong in their setup or is that a problem with the unit? I have a PC and want to use Itunes to send music to my stereo. Any opinions good or bad?
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Man, with all these wireless ooglemeiers spewing EMFs all over the place, you guys are liable to grow a third eye. Maybe that's how that kid in China got those 16 extra fingers and toes.
I have no issues with mine cutting out, quality of the digital out is excellent. Analog out is fine for non critical listening
Sounds like I will try one. I am not a computer tech kind of guy so all I need a wireless card in my PC and the AE?
I am going to run it to a DAC that I am already using the toslink input on. Would I be better off using the usb to the DAC or use something to convert the optical output to coaxial for input to the DAC?
An Airport Express IS a wireless router, so depending on your layout, you may not need another one.

It's a fantastic music streamer, as is an Apple TV if you want visuals to go with your music, but Apple TV does need a router.
You can't connect the USB port on the Airport Express to the USB input on your DAC, optical is the only option. The USB port on the AE is configured for printer output only, there's no music signal available from it.