rega new tables p5 p7

Came across these yesterday. Had not heard about them through any ces reports. Different plinth designs and new power supplys. Also the p7 gets a ceramic platter. Anybody seen one or heard them?
I actually love the look of my P25, clean and elegant, but the speed issue is driving me insane. I know there are fixes supposedly, but it makes me mad that I would have to spend the money for a "fix." Anyone have luck with any of the speed fixes or after market speed controllers?
Yes Troutki there are 2 fixes that you can try and cost virtually nothing.To make a Rega run at 331/3 rpm if it is typically running 2% fast, you have to widen the sub-platter that the platter sits on.What I do is wrap 2 spliced(not wound)lengths of standard electrical tape around the edge of the sub-platter,trim it so all edges are neat,replace the belt and I am on speed.You might have to vary the number of splices for your own table but I think this is excellent, and I think the extra damping would help.Test revolutions with a strobe or stopwatch of course.The other tweak is a plain rubber band around the Rega sub-platter edge,look for one that looks like a reasonable fit and try different combinations until you get it on speed.Hope this helps.

I'm the owner of a P25 turntable. You can read my review on My name is Gino Lavoie and I'm living in Montreal. I resolved the problem about the speed with some electrical black tape 2 or 3 years ago. It works!
you will probably get a better result using
very thin aluminum tape...thickness is very
fine...similar to electical tape, and has an
adhesive backing...have fun
I know this is an older thread but thought I might add that my P5 runs dead-on 33.33rpm. I used to own a P3 which ran around 1-2% fast but the P5 is perfect and that was true prior to adding the optional TT-PSU.