Cardas Interconnect Placement

I just bought a run of cardas golden cross interconnect (1m) in addition to my existing cardas cross interconnect.
My question is this, what would be better:

A) Gold Cross between CD/Pre; Cross between Pre/Amp

B) Cross between CD/Pre; Golden Cross between Pre/Amp

C) Does not make any noteable difference.

Thanks for the help fellow audiogoners!

Herman, nice system!

I was not neccesarily refering to you in my comments. There are some people who use the forums to ridicule everyone that does not agree with, or own all the same gear as them. These are some of the people who have even gone so far as to contact me directly and continue their attacks. I find these people amusing, and I do laugh at THEM.

A person has to have a point of reference when building, buying, or shopping for their system. Input from multiple sources can be helpful, or possibly harmful when many 'experts' disagree. Based on your system it could be safe to assume you to be a reliable source, not everyone who posts has the experience you possess. The opinions of people who do not have credibility are of no value. To keep an open mind can allow your mind to be filled with foolishness. A person has to earn the right to be trusted. There are many here who are of the opinion that ICs speaker cables, and power cords are all the same. Would you trust one of these people to make valid points about; for instance, where to place cardas ICs in a system?

If a person has exhibitted the credibility to be trusted then it is worthwhile to engage them in discussion to learn if their points are valid. Otherwise it is a waste of your time. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they are right and you are wrong. I'm fairly sure you and I agree on most, if not all of this.
Nrchy, now that you have complemented my system we can be friends again. I have updated it since you looked earlier so you might want to check it out, and yes, I agree with your last post.

My apologies to Bobby for hijacking his thread.
Bobby, here's some information that can also help you in your decision on where the better cable should be placed. Cardas cables don't like to be moved around much. In fact if you were to unplug a pair of golden cross interconnects from your system and move them to another location it could take hours or even days for them to settle back in and sound like they just did. Many cables do this, but Cardas cables seem to have a major effect on the sound when disturbed. Happy listening!
I didn't think anybody was rude until the thread-head was (is that rude enough for everybody?).

Here is the only 'rule' I can give for this kind of question: If you run multiple sources, as I do, it makes common sense to insert your best interconnect between the preamp and power amp - that way all your sources get the benefit of it. As for a single-source system, I defer to the original common sense of Ingvar and Herman.