Clueless and Seeking advice on TT purchase

Hi All:
I need a turntable without breaking the bank. Range about $1,200 - 2,000. Must admit I've lost track (actually I was never on track) of what is what in this price range and I've been so busy I can't spend that much time checking it out so I seek your advice. I see several units out there.

Basis 1400

Oracle MKII

The good news is that it is going in a system that is almost all diy by yours truly so it won't make that much difference anyway! I'm using my proprietary zip-cord for interconnects.

Thanks in Advance

I remain,
Thanks all:

Well the Scout looks like the off-the-shelf favorite and the Teres diy route looks like it may be the "best" overall. I've been following your thread Joe and a few others at the Teres site. I've talked to Tom a bit too so I know the value there.

As I said above, I'm a bit on the busy side so another diy
project anytime soon is a handful(I've got four diy-audio going now) and a recent move has my work conditions less than ideal for a few months. Maybe I will put this off until spring and do it right the first time. Or buy a Scout used if one comes up at a good price and turn it over when I do a Teres?

Thanks all for the input keep the good ideas coming!

I remain,
Psychic: What experience do you have with Kevin. Do you use one of his tables? Which one?

I remain,
I have the tonearm fluid damper, modded Groovemaster cartridge and the outboard power supply for the 1200. I drove to NJ last October to visit my little sister and along took the creature and visited Kevin in Plainfield. He installed the power supply and later we listened to music in his living room. Kevin has gone through the trouble of doing these mods because he truly believes the 1200 is the last great affordable TT out there.

The few of us who have fully modded 1200s are convinced it would take $5K to surpass the sound, if at all. We're not exaggerating. Mine is floating on a Dennensen air suspension platform and the music is coming out very realistic, especially acoustic music.
I bought a used JA Michell Gyrodec SE and a new Origin Live Silver arm for about $2K, and took the Aurum Beta off the AR Turntable that I replaced, and my JJ 243 preamp has a very nice tube phono amp in it. I'm a really, really happy camper now! The only downside is now that I know what the rig is capable of, I want a better cartridge, mebbe a Koetsu! ;) Won't happen for a while though :( You could get a Gyro with the cheapest RB250 you can find and then upgrade the weight and wiring and do it all for less than I did.

I also hear wonderful things about the Scout but I haven't heard them in person. The Linn LP12 is a good old classic and sounds wonderful. Overpriced new but you can often find them for a steal on the used market.

Good luck and have fun! :)