Point of Diminishing Returns?

My HT/Music Set-up:
Proceed AVP (processor)
Rotel RMB1095 200X5 (amp)
Musical Fidelity E624 (cd)
Sony DVP-S7700 (dvd)
Monster HTS5000 (line conditioner)
Sony 36 in. XBR400 (tv)
Definitive Tech BP3000tl (main speakers)
Definitive Tech CLR3000 (center)
B&W CCM 65 (in-ceiling surrounds)
and I'm very satisfied with my aftermarket speaker cable, ICs, PC, and component video cables.
Now that you know what I'm working with how well would a Sony SCD1 or 777 fit into my system? Assuming I went with the SCD1 would that same $3000.00 be better spent someplace else in my set-up? I'm quite happy with my current set-up, but I've been contemplating SACD since the beginning. Finally I am able to justify the expense based upon reviews found on this site and others stating that cd playback is as good or better as other players/transports in this price range. Thank you all in advance for your thoughts and opinions. One more question. If you have either of the units above and are not usind a DAC what connection methods have you tried and which do you prefer?
What's wrong with the Sony 9000ES? There are not too many other reference players out there. And even of those, while the DVD video might be better, Once bitten has stated that he wants the SACD feature. Now I might be wrong, but I think the Sony is the only DVD player to offer this option.
I agree with going to the Sony s9000es. I upgraded from s7700 and even with an old Sony Trinitron the picture was better on DVD movies. The cd playback is more than I could have hoped for. It is worth the money without the SACD, with it, it's an easy call. Albert, I bumped you back up :>
I haven't recieved any negative response Albert, I'll give you some positive to help offset it. Why would someone give someone negative feedback for making a friendly suggestion? Albert's writing style was not insulting or nasty, c'mon boys and girls, play nice.
Don't worry albert. There is some person or person here who does that to all the posts. I voted you up too. You're a tremendous asset to this site.
My sincere thanks to all of you for your support. It is odd that someone would vote negative solely based on my choice of equipment. A more constructive approach would be for them to post in opposition, allowing everyone to consider their point of view. It appears most of you agree, as many opinions are expressed here, making this site lively and informative. I hope it remains that way.