RRL Cleaner, Vinyl Zyme, and Groove Glide


I was the guy who was unhappy with my vacumn cleaned records a few weeks ago and I think I found the answer.

After cleaning with super wash and regular wash, then vinyl zyme, then regular wash, then groove glide,(I know it is time consuming!), I got to tell all of you guys that my records are Dead Quiet and Detail has improved alot. The soundstage perspective is a little more like sitting in row 35 versus row 20, but the smoother detailed sound and presentation is nice.

Just thought I would let others know that I tried these products in case others of you are interested. Definitely worth the money spent.

Did you try using JUDT the RRL and skipping the enzyme. Unless I miss my guess, doing so will allow you to realize th esame detail with out "moving back ten rows".

You may have applied too much Gruv Glide. I've found that the quickest spray you can possibly apply to the pad is just right and you'll treat about twice as many albums. You don't need more than you need. Not to worry though. The stylus will push out the excess with a couple of plays or you can buff the record somewhat with a dry pad.

I've found that record cleaning is such a personal thing to us audiophiles that it's easy to get into disagreements about the subtleties. Grasshopper, read the archives, try different approaches and you will find peace. Enjoy!

I did find a bunch of gunk on the stylus. I'll take your advice and use alot less.

Does the "Grasshopper" refer to Kung Fu when he came to the Buda priest for insight and wisdom??? I love it!!!! As Audiophiles, we need a little God or Budda to pray too!!! Careful, for many of us, our stereos are our Gods.???


I'll skip the Vinyl Zyme and just use RRL and the Groove Glide and see what it does. I can always wash the Groove Glide back off. The Vinyl Zyme washes back off too I think with Super RRL cleaner. The idea behind this stuff makes sense but may leave a sonic signature.


Take the Grooveglide and throw in the thrash. It will probably take multiple cleanings to get it off your records, but you will be rewarded by the best LP sound you have heard.

I use DiskDoctor cleaner with my Loricraft but find I still need to use distilled water rinse afterwards.
Using a distilled water rinse *after using RRL is a distinct no-no.
Applying RRL and giving it a wait period of several minutes before vacuuming is a positive.
The quality of application instructions between DD and RRL is day and night. DD wins hands down, and RRL/Sumiko don't even compete. At $25/bottle, RRL is shameful in this regard.