dCS vs. Dodson DACs

Does anyone have experience with both the dCS Delius (or Elgar) and Dodson DA-217 (preferably the lastest, the Mk II D)? Thoughts? Thanks.
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I am currently using a Muse 296 with Audiomeca transport. I am going to check out the Dodson Dac. Has anyone heard both of these dac's. ? What's your impressions?
By the way, I ended up getting the Dodson, but it was a tough call. I think dCS is a terrific company and well worth hitching one's wagon to. The Dodson DAC is wonderful and better priced, but not as future-proof.
Nice to see another forum up and running. My Dodson 'D' shipped today and will be mated to a Sony SCD-1. Just to clarify, the Dodson takes any bitstream and converts it to 24/96, then oversamples by a factor of 8, rendering a 24/768 signal, at least that's what how it's explained in the review found in Ultimate Audio. Chris Garrett, Miami
I am delighted with my SCD-1 running into a Dodson "D". I have no reason to upgrade until DcS comes out with their SACD transport. Even then, the price differential may make it not worth it. David