Good Semi-Automatic Turntable

I'm helping out a friend who is interested in adding vinyl to his system, but wants the tonearm to pickup after play. Are there any good TT's with this feature that would cost between $200 and $600 used (including tonearm)? Maybe a Thorens? Thanks for any advise.
Dual made some good TT like that. Maybe a CS 505 would do the trick for you.
Oracle Alexandria, I really doubt there's any other that compete under $1000. $600 should get you an Alexandria, invest in the pickup of your choice. No, mine's not for sale!
Look for an AR-XA and install a Lifter. Trouble free ,built like a tank, heavy platter, great arm, quiet, reliable and can be modified easily- A NO BRAINER. Under $100. When and if you wear it out, toss it and get another one. There really aren't any semis I would recommend.
I recently picked up a Thorens TD320 on ebay for $199 + shipping. Its sound is extraordinary and it has auto-lift and shut-off.