Mark Levinson's Guide to Better Sex

Mr. Levinson is a well deserved legend in high end audio circles, but apparently his expertise extends beyond things audio. Levinson and his wife (Kim Cattrall - Samantha on "Sex and the City") have co-written a sex manual titled "Satisfaction: The Art of the Female Orgasm".

Who say the high end isn't sexy?
cfb- I think I recall the NY Times article mentioning something about Jeff Becks " Goin Down".
This is how his wife described him--not entirely sure it's how he would describe himself. It reminds me of a farside cartoon where Albert Einstein is playing basketball and it says "Albert Einstein was destined to be a great basketball player until a knee injury turned him to physics." Perhaps ML broke a finger at the wrong time in his jazz career and it turned him to designing equipment (yeah--sure).
Yeah, but he still has the potential to elevate our hobby, that is, if it still is a hobby to him ...