SACD finally taking-off? non-classical listeners

It looks like SACD might finally lift-off this fall with the Rolling Stones releases. The engineer claims the SACD revisions sound 40% better than the standard on these hybrids.(Ice Magazine)
Meanwhile, there are some interesting releases on DVD-A that are too interesting to forego; Fleetwood Mac "Rumours", and "Crowded House". Both redbook versions of these discs are non-listenable with good equipment.
What is the answer for a "2-Channel Person" who wants great sound without the "snap, crackle, and pop" of the LP?
Is there confidence that both of these formats will exist in two years?
Is the purchase of a dual SACD/DVD-A player foolish, or the only answer?

Please advise,
I think people are missing an important point here which will make record companies mucho bucks......they are going to force consumers to buy the SACD/CD hybrid discs at a premium price over regular CDs, person who just wants CD has no choice.... no wonder record companies love this!

If price for hybrids were close to same as CD no complaints,
but I have a feeling that there will be several dollars premium for SACD/CD discs. I think I read somewhere that Sony was considering making all new releases hybrids.
Obviously stores don't want to stock both formats, and will
also like hybrid disc concept.
I've noticed much more advertising for SACD players and almost none for DVD-A players. I hope this is because SACD IS taking off and will beat DVD-A. I do not like the fact that DVD-A uses a data compression technique. Happily, SACD does not.
When it comes to FM's "Rumours", I must say, my standard copy purchased around 1990 in the USA (disc pressed in Germany) still sounds excellent although I can tell there's room for improvement.
I wasn't ever impressed on SACD compare to the regular red-book CDs or HDCDs. Why jump over there if we still can't read enough from the red-book CD? SACD automatically implies on the more complicated equipment that maybe have a future but for now it simply sucks.

Face the fact: from my simple listening test between two sources a good CD player(Gamut CD1) still outperforms a good SACD player(SONY SCD1) in both playbacks especially on red-book.
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SACD is the first advancement in digitial in 20 years, why do so many want to hold on to the past?