Best transport for Bel Canto Dac1

What is the best transport for Bel Canto Dac1? I have several hundred CDs and care nothing about video. I understand DVD transports work best. How about a Pioneer DV525 vs a Toshiba DVD9100? Is the price differeence worth the money? What is your experience? Thanks
Bel Canto strongly recomends Dvd transport for its Dac. Check
Chucky, To me my Harmonic Technology coax sounded marginally better (slightly harmonically sweeter I think) than a $40 Monster Cable Toslink optical cable. Frank
I am currently using a Pioneer DV-09.
I had a Pioneer DV-414, and the DV-09 was in my Home Theater System.
I called Bel Canto and asked what they thought would be a better transport; CD only or DVD.
I was considering a CD only Transport such as a Theta,Meridian, Levinson, etc.
When I informed the technician at Bel Canto that I had a DV-09 in the house he quietly and politically recommended that I swap the 414 for the DV-09 as soon as possible.
The results are breathtaking!!
The DV-09 and the Dac-1 are superb. Best CD playback I have heard second only to DCS Elger, or Linn CD-12.
I am using Harmonic Tech Cyberlink and Truthlink cables respectively.
I am moving up to Acoustic Zen cables soon with this system.
I recommend a DV-09 due to its airlock transport and dual power supplies.
I have yet to upgrade my Dac-1, but I am sure the upgrade will make the current system even better.
I have had couple of long conversations with Stan Warren (SuperMods) and, I must admit, most of it went right over my head [:)]. He does a lot of mods to DVD players and SACD players, and thinks the Pioneer DVD players are well laid out and a very good bargain as a transport. (And with his mods on the dac section, a good player in total!) If you did not care about 24/96, he reports the $100 AIWA 5 disc changer is a remarkable transport. Really!

I also use, and enjoy, a DAC1/Pioneer DV525 combo connected via Toslink (XLO.) Mr. Warren recommends the $60 2 meter Fatwire toslink, and I am going to give it a try. He reports, just like the boys at Bel Canto Design, that there is jitter reduction with this set up.

Good Luck,

Update to above....the toslink recommended is by Audio One and the 2 meter is $139. The boys at Fatwyre say this one is great with the DAC1 and the MSB dac.