What Power Cord for Tubed Preamp

About a month ago I made my first foray into tubes. I was not satisfied with the rather sibilant sound coming from my system. I thought that this might be a good "excuse" to try out a tubed preamp. What a difference. My system has never sounded more musical. Even my wife commented that the SACD player/tubed preamp was warmer and more natural. Well, anyway, my question is, what power cords have you found to be beneficial with tubed equipment? I know that cables are system dependent. But I want a place to start my search. For digital I use Marigo Labs Ultra series II and the CPCC model 11 for my power amp. Here is my equipment list:

Sony C333ES SACD player
Audio Experiment Symphonies tubed preamp
B&K AV6000 power amp
Paradigm Reference Studio 60 Loudspeakers
Home Grown Audio Super Silver Interconnects
Ted's Excellent Cable Speaker wire.
I have found any of the BMI products to work very well. I believe they can only be found on the Audiogon site. My order of preference would be Whale Elite Mk II, Whale Elite and then the Eel’s (which are the least expensive and hard to find). I prefer the Whale Elite Mk II or Whale Elite over power cords costing $1000-$2000 (the BMI power cords cost a lot less but you get a lot of bang for your dollars). Just my opinion, research BMI or Whale power cords in the Audiogon forums, they have quite a following. I hope this is helpful!
I second the Asylum cord - made a nice difference with my Rogue 66 preamp and the price is right...
Did you see the ad that was posted today for the new MIT Z cord? The seller claims that the improvement in sound quality is so profound, that it's like you spent an additional $2-3K on your preamp, or your money back. OK, we have all heard claims like this before, but it certainly got my attention.

Have you tried your model 11 on that preamp yet? I'm a big fan of the CPCC cords. Problem is, there are so many diferent cords available that are recommended. I would stick with trying popular brands that can be bought used at good prices, and quickly re-sold at little or no loss on your investment. Some good ones to try first have already been mentioned here, and I would add the Blue Circle and JPS analog AC cord to the list. I also have tried and like the Acoustic Zen cords.