Any Versa Dynamics TT Owners??

Anyone out there own a Versa Dynamics Turntable??

I am aware of some excellent mods for it, and wonder how many of them there are out there...
Curious about your website. I am a long time owner of the Forsell tt. A flawed product capable of exceptional sound. Would like to correspond. Dean
I have been using a 2.0 since about 1989 and am generally happy with it, except sometimes have difficulty getting its arm to play the last track of some records. Do you guys have similar problem and how to deal with it?
Anyone interested in the website for air bearing turntables and tonearms is welcome to email me privately. Due to problems the web hosting company was having several months ago, the site contents were erased, but I still have a copy which I hope to upload soon to put it back in operation.

My friend has a Versa Dynamics 2.0, I have a Rockport, and there are lots of folks out there with ET, Walker, Forsell, Maplenoll, and so on. Bear's ideas on tweaks for the VD would be very welcome, and anybody else who's willing to share their knowledge and insights is welcome to contribute. It's a completely noncommercial, just for fun, site that has discussion board areas. The URL is private at this time, so email me for it.