opinions on Coincident vs. HT Pro9

Is anyone familiar with both of these? I was really almost sold on the HT due to the whole single crystal thing etc, but now I also keep hearing good things about the CST from people I respect. My system is CaryCD303, Cary sli80, Shearwaters. Also, does anybody know where I can try before I buy with both brands? thanks, J
Leafs, does the Coincident Total Reference Series come in bi-wire? JPS SC2 does not, you have to use jumpers, Joe makes SC2 jumpers also.

Do you remember the difference between the JPS SC2 and Coincident TR?
I use the CST 1 Speaker cable not the new TRS.You should email Israel about the biwire.I know he is not a beliver in the benifits of Biwire.
The CST 1 is what I compared to the JPS SC2.Better bottom end better pin pointing of instruments in the soundstage.My wife has a simple way of explaing why one cable is better than another.I ask her why one over the other.Her response "it sounds better" how can you argue with that.
I've also heard that Mr Blume is not a fan of biwiring. ALthough, the CST1 does come in biwire as an option. My set is a 10' biwire, not sure about the TRS.
As to bi-wiring, I do not know if a speaker sounds any better by a company making their speaker bi- or tri-wire. BUT, I feel if they designed it bi- or tri-wire it will perform better when used that way versus jumpers.

Leafs, I would like to hear the Coincident CST vs. the JPS SC2, I struggle to believe the Coincident sounds better, but I haven't had the benefits of both as you. Maybe sometime I'll get that chance, if so I'll comment.

In the Cable thread "Is 500 hours of break in really nec.?", I comment on a comparison between the Concident IC and JPS IC.
Does anyone care to comment on how they sound? Warm, cool, neutral, bright, mellow, something, anything. Brulee says night and day difference as compared to the FIM. Please, for the sake of Pete, and the love of God, say more.