Recommendations for Shielded Power Cord

I plan to use two powered subwoofers in my system and they will be positioned on the same plane as my speakers. Unfortunately that means the power cord for the subwoofers will run parallel to my speaker cables.

Is there an available powercord which is shielded enough that this will not cause a problem?
Ideally you need a magnetically shielded power cord. The Pure Note Epsilon has that feature,
The Whale Elite power cable worked wonders on my Wilson WHOW Sub. Improved & extended the bass with no pickup of interference and RF from other cables. In fact I have several Whales that are piled up on each other laying on the interconnects and speaker cable since my cabinet is fairly close to the back wall.
Radio Shack sells a shielded power cord (probably sourced from Belden) for about $8.00. Try them. You can always
return them if they don't float your boat.

Good luck,

HIGHLY Recommend SYNERGISTIC RESEARCH Master AC and/or Reference AC Power Cords. Hand made(Quality)and worth the Money. They do a GREAT job of Lowering the noise floor and allow your system to Bring out more DETAIL (although Beware they Are a bit Stiff). Just depends on How much you want to spend to get the overall DESIRED Results, try several to get the Best Comparison. I've been using Synergistic Cables (interconnects also) for a few years and I Love them. I've tried many other Cables and these are my Choice. Try them, you'll Love them to!