Any speaker cable's sound quality just blown you away?

Among all of the tons of speaker cable out there, which model has stood out in your mind as the best that you have ever heard, and why? If you remember the audio system (especially the speakers) that you heard them with should prove to me most informative. What was the configuration (i.e. single run, shot-gun, bi-wire, or tri-wire), and the length? We know most are looking for a great cable at a little price, while we all dream of the ultimate cable in our audio system. And with so many companies out there making good stuff, it seems that more offen than not, the best sounding cable, though definitely not the cheapest, is not the most expensive either. What is your experience?
I use two pair of Audioquest Dragons to biwire my system and I am pretty happy with the sound.
i compared the valhalla to the transparent contest. the valhalla had sounded better than all others i had tried; more open, faster, and more resolving. the opus went to another level in openness and mid-range clarity. i wouldn't use the words "killed" or "blew away" since the valhalla sounds great in it's own right. but the difference between the opus and valhalla was bigger than the difference between sacd and cd. there is a special "liveness" from the opus not previously heard by me.

1 potential contender to the opus for "king of the hill" speaker cable would be the siltech "emperor" and kharma grand reference which are both made by siltech. i have not heard either.
I would have to go with Argento VDM reference 2x3m. No other brand has that much inter transient silence (pure black), complet control of the extremes, and ease to the sound. Simply no other cable from the big boys are even close.
