Ancient Cable Experts Please Help.

I have been schlepping around a circa 1986 pair of Monster Cable M-1 and M-1000 cables for years. They were very pricey in their day and have sounded fine to me in a variety of systems, mainly with a Jadis Pre amp and an Aragon 4004. Does anyone know this cable? Some people have said this was a pre MIT, Brisson designed high end cable and others have suggested I am hopelessly out of date and desperate for an upgrade.
Richard's and Redkiwi's thoughts are the same as mine. I had the old M-1000 interconnect, and after a few years the sound had degraded because of breakdown in the solder they used and oxidation in that area. This problem may have been limited to the earlier runs of the interconnect, as I recall reading something about that in Stereophile years ago. You could reterminate, probably, but while not all new cable designs are necessarily improvements, I think there are a good number of substantially better cables out there now, and your preamp will definitely let you hear the differences. Ultimately, let your ears be the judge.
Avoid ANYTHING with Monster's name on it. It is not good stuff. After a few years, solder will not stiff to it.
STICK, the word was supposed to be stick, not stiff. This is what happens when one becomes an ancient cable expert. The mind is the second thing to go. I forgot what the first was.
Even if working at their optimum, the Monster cable designs of that time were all high capacitance, and so had limited high frequency extension and a "congested" sound character. A strong "sell" recommendation, and upgrade your cables with a more contemporary design; you can't lose.
WOW ! Did not know all this. Is there a guideline average life for cables ? Do I need to change / re-evaluate my cables bought in '94 ?