Is Bigger Better?

In my opinion, most of the lastest hype or "marketing" in audio these days have to do with power cords. 1st, all my gear has aftermarket cords but I just viewed the BMI Virtue site with the Whale Elite Power Cords. I found the site enlightening but at the same time entertaining. Pictures of the muscled designer with these huge phallic power cords. Now the disscussion, some of the best cables ive used and owned have been far from large in diameter. I recently had my home wired with 4 dedicated lines and when I asked the electrition to use 8 or 10ga wiring, he assured me that this is needless overkill, that heavy industrial machinery and huge office complexes are wired with 10ga. Are we pawns in the huge marketing machine of audio?
Bigger does not have to be better, however in this case it is! Two friends in different parts of the country purchased Whale Elites and have demoed them with their Viper, Fatboy (etc). I can't wait to order mine, the reviews are phenomenal! Brian knows how to make AWESOME power cords. (This is my opinion and I am not associated with the business)
I have only one thing to say in response to 1439bhr's comments on this subject....... AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a digital cable on order from Mapleshade that would be considered "tiny" and definatly not "big". If tiny also sounds good another benefit of "light" cables is that they do not tend to interfear (as much) with any isolation components that you may be using on your equipment. I suspect that the heavy HT Truthlink IC's that I sometimes use detract from the isolation of my CD player more than the light Homegrown Silver IC's that I also use. It is just a logical hunch and there is no way to tell for sure. Also use a HT Pro 11 PC. I like the sound of the HT's and don't dwell on this at all. It is just a thought.