Anyone ever opened MIT cables?

Has anyone ever opened (and thus demolished)MIT cables? What is inside those boxes? What is the 'secret' anyway? Pictures?
I stand corrected. Thank you for pointing it out. Boy, talk about a robber baron! This Noel Lee is worse than Bill Gates! Just think, if the other cable companies were able to steal market share from him at Good Guys and circuit city, they might be able to rent out Ferraris too! NOTICE THE SMUG WAY THE ARTICLE DISMISSES THE AUDIOPHILE HOBBY? What jerks the general populace are, especially those weenies at Forbes!
Carl, I knew I could find you here. Still trying to find someone in the area that has MIT to compare with my Transparent. I don't want to borrow from the local dealer since I do not intend on purchasing . I read somewhere on one of these posts that Tranparent was suing MIT?? or maybe it is the other way around. Does this mean your cables owe my cables money?
MIT has patents that predate ALL of Transparent's patents, and the person who started Transparent used to work for MIT. So, if you like, you can send me a check to augment "what your cables owe mine". I've tried both brands, and have heard them in others' systems as well. HAVE YOU? I'd like to let you borrow my MIT cables for comparison, but it looks like you are closed minded about them, so it won't ever happen. I don't blame those dealers for not wanting to let you borrow theirs, either. They have some pretty good gray matter goin on...Good day to you.
Carl, I think you may be reading a lot into my post, by no means was I takeing a crack at your cables. If you re-read my post you will see I stated that I COULD borrow cables from my local dealer, but would not since I do not intend on buying them. This is not because I know I will not like them,I might think they are the best thing in the world. But because right now that would not be the best place to put my cash for an upgrade. It would not be fair to take his time. I know there are some folks who have been jumping you lately so I guess you thought I was on that bandwagon. That's the bad thing about this posting thing, you can't really tell where a person is coming from. I have nothing against you,MIT,or Krell. I have heard sytems that sounded just fine with those components, although I have not heard the Krell in the same system with MIT. But if it sounded good with Monster then I don't think it is much of a leap to assume it would sound better with MIT. I will try to be more clear next time if I am just ribbing you, and you can try not to be so defensive.
My apologies, then. As I've said before, you could say "jj", for "just joking". I do wish you all the best in putting the money in the best place for your system. Out of curiousity, have you not heard of The Cable Company? Granted, they may not have in stock the cables you might be interested in, but it's worth a try. Also, if you're interested in MIT cables, Joe at Overture in Delaware is who got me started. Haven't spoken with him in a while, and I have no idea how their store is doing. My advice to you, is if you don't already have ASC traps, or one of their offshoots, you should get some. They'll make more difference than anything.