need help on choosing right power cord!

i recently purchased a resolution audio cd-55 cdp,i'm wondering if anybody can help me with selecting the right power cord for it?also for my amp mccormack dna-2 limited edition?my budget for each cord is around $300-600.i'm considering the black mamba,bmi eel reference.any thoughts on those is very much appreciated!thanks!steve.
Stealth HAC cord for the money will be hard to beat. If you can spring for about $1200 I here the FIM gold cord is simply amazing beating out the likes of the Powersnakes King Cobra II.
Since you specifically asked about the Resolution Audio CDP... The TG Audio power cord HSR-a I believe is the model number, it worked very well on the CD50 when I auditioned it. The Resolution Audio people recommend TG cords too, and they're very reasonably priced to boot. My experience with the Synergistic cords suggests they wouldn't be so hot on digital gear, but I agree, the Shunyatas may be a nice choice, though higher $$ than the TG Audio. Finally, I liked what the ESP The Essence cord did on my Sony SCD-1, but I have no experience with it on the Resolution Audio CDPs.
My local hifi dealer have recommend me to upgrade the power cord in my EMC-1 which the cord does not come cheap. Is a good quality power really make the Hi-Fi components sings better. I hope some one can answer my question.
I second the Stealth HAC recommendation. Look them up and learn about their technology at I'm using two, and have used several other "name brands", and they certainly beat the others by a clear margin.
Ugin. I own the EMC-1. If you can spend $1200 on the FIM PC It will transform the performance of this fine CD player to a level that you have to hear to believe. A must audition.