Felt mat or AR Turntable

Hello, I just bought 71'AR turntable but does not come with any mat I'm looking for a new plain black felt mat for now (like those mat on rega or music hall?) I'll upgrade to ring mat later. if you guys know where to get it please let me know. Thanks, Rute.
I made one a couple years ago before I got my P-25 that came with one.I bought a piece of thick black felt in the hobby dept at Wallyword.I took the platter off my old table and traced its outside diameter onto the felt.Cut,punch a center hole and thats it.88 cents.You can buy the same thng mail order for $8-10.Watch out for those ring mats.I tried one on my Music Hall amd P-25 with no improvement.Its has to be one of the BIGGEST RIPOFFS in high-end land EVER!! Maybe some have had improvement with them but 80 bucks for some paper and a little cork and glue?? The packaging is real nice and obviously costs more than the mat for them to manufacture. Mike Fremer remarked about the ringmat"it may change the sound of your table,but maybe not fot the better.
Ringmat does make a difference (improvement) on the AR, and also the Linn. Personal preference as to whether it is a cost effective upgrade or not. Fremer's remarks were in regard to glass-plattered tables such as the Rega.
I tried the Ring Mat on my Music Hall and Ariston.The Ariston is very similar in design to the old fashioned Linns.No improvement at all.It didnt do squat on the P-25 either.But if people hear "improvments" and dont mind spending $80 + S/H for some paper and cork then cool!The packging is nice!!Thank God Audio Advsor has such a great 30 return policy! Go to Wallyworld and spend 88 cents instead.
I think ear wax remover runs about 88 cents as well! Give different mats a try, and trust your OWN ears. All I can say is that my AR became more detailed, more neutral. Same but more of it with the Linn.