Who R U 100K version ?

This one 's for us poor, envious home boys. While I probably will never be able to afford that kind of a system, I think it'll be educational & inspirational to hear from those who have them. Tell us where you've been & what you see in the future for your audio system. Don't hold back ! Bob.
Does that 100K apply to our current system only? Or over a lifetime? Shoot, over the last 35 years I've spent cummulatively double that on A/V stuff.
If you mean current systems, you'll get mostly replies from guys with custom-install Home Theaters, and we all know how "hi-fi" most of them sound.,,
Estrnad, I must disagree with you, one of my best friends has over $150K in his HT, which he has moved himself for three moves in the last two years (while building his house where it hopefully shall reside for some time) and he's quite the ''hi-fi" nut. His HT is absolutely amazing as well!
One question Kennyt: In your friend's HT, how many "in-wall" (oh, puh-leez) or otherwise "concealed" speakers?