Best speakers for small listening room

I'm new to audio and am setting up a mid-priced system for my home office. The space is small (11'x11'x8'). I currently have B&W 803 Matrix, Sound Anchor stands, Plinius 8150i, Creek CD-43, Harmonic Tech truthlinks and Pro-9s. Would stand mounted speakers (JMLabs micro utopias or the Dynaudio Confidence 3's) be a good choice for this small space? Thanks.
Every room in my house is square. Standing waves are driving me crazy. I dont know the speakers mentioned but best to stay away from the ones that have an upper or mid-bass hump to compensate for their size.
paulwp: ouch! 'course if you take out a wall and combine two of your rooms, you'll have very workable space. but then there are many of us who can only dream of this alternative. -kelly
I think cornfedboy had a great point. The most important (and expensive) part of your system is the room you're in. Clap your hands and you may hear a loud harsh flutter echo. This is something you'll need to address with any speaker. If you don't have carpeting, get it. Experiment with different room placement. A standing wave only affects distinct locations in the room (thus the name). These can also be reduced in amplitude with sound absorbing material. Sofas can soak up bass, not necessarily a bad thing in a small room. Bookshelves can help break up flutter echoes. There are a number of companies that sell room treatments.
My small office is carpeted, has an upholstered and padded wall behind the system, bookshelves and two upholstered chairs. I just wondered whether better-quality, small speakers would make more sense than the Matrix 803's.
Thanks for all of the input. Joel