Addicted to Audiogon?

I browse this site just about every single day. Over the past few years, I've bought and sold several pieces of equipment here on the net, pretty much hassle free. Even when I'm not in the market for anything new, I still keep on top of whats available here at Audiogon. What sites are you addicted to?
Its ok Bill we have talked to you about this before ;) its better then some of your other interests.
Good one tirechick, I mean tireguy. (Sorry Bill, couldn't help it) BTW Tireguy, you were joking about the pornstar thing,.. weren't you?

Addicted? Try finishing a thesis with Audiogon idling in the background all day long - I never realized I had such a personality disorder!? I swear I could read these forums all day long just to avoid working on ahhhgg , my, agasp, thesis. If I have to extend I'm blaming you guys! ;-)

Just because I have my bathroom set-up like this to monitor Audiogon does not mean I'm addicted to it? Nah!I don't think so.
Iam just about even.I have brought 5 items sold 4.I visit this site everyday.Love the Forms and wanted Ads.Yes iam addicted to Audiogon and proud of it.Until something better comes along i will be here.