~$1k Monitors...So Many Choices...

I've got my short list down to Triangle Titus, Dynaudio Audience 40 or 50, Acoustic Energy AE1, Soliloquy 5.0, and Dunlavy SC-I. I now have a pair of AE Aegis 1 and I want to really improve the sound; not just a small step up. Let me know what you think about these speakers and if I've missed anything from my short list. Thanks.
Please let us know what you have for source, preamp, and power amp. Knowing the cables you prefer would also be beneficial. And, your taste in music will have more than a coincidental bearing on what you should do.
I have an AR Complete amp and I just got a Sim Audio I-5080(not heard yet but am leaning towrd it as the ARC is too laidback for me), so it will be one of the two. For CDP I have a Rotel 971 and I have a Magnum FT-11 tuner. I use AP Oval 12 Speaker cable and AudioQuest Topaz interconnects. My room is aobut 16'x15' and I listen to jazz, classical, and some rock. I had the Dunlavy SC-I speakers before and was very impressed. I really desire detail and the ability of the speakers to disappear; I can live without the lowest bass. Thanks.
Two monitors come to mind: Coincident Triumph Signature for $1095 and the JM Reynaud Twin Mk II for $750. Figuy uses the JMR Twins with the AR Complete and he loves them. Check these out.
Triangle, really exedes in detail, however, check the ACI Sapphire III, and you won't be disapointed.
Welcome back Mailman. Shelton's two picks are the ones that I will also be auditioning for use in a small SET system. They are both around 90db efficient with a nice stable load (which is always nice) and they are supposed to sound good as well. I checked out the Soliloquy's and decided against them after the second audition. They sound really good but I want something more musical (my version of it anyway). Linn has released their replacement for the Tukan which you may want to check out if you can.