Best monitor speakers(used)for $500

need help,looking for best monitor speakers used for around $500,thanks to all,Al
You can save some money and the uncertainty of buying used if you check out the Sound Dynamics RTS-3s on These sub-$300 speakers will blow away a lot of speakers at twice or three-times the price. Reviews may be found on The Absolute Sound website (although you may have to pay a few bucks to read them) or on
...depends on your music taste too! So i would suggest all-rounders: Dynaudio Audience 40, Triangle Titus, B&W CDM 1, Tannoy R1 For classical: Opera Seconda (tonaly rich), Linn Tukan ( for detail chamber, small orchestra)
Alon Petites. I saw a pair for $600 used. Stands and Black Orepheus bi-wire (or was it tri-wire????) included.