Small and satisfying. Please help me.

OK guys. You've got me on the right track for a 37" plasma for my bedroom. I want to do it with surround sound. My wife is gung ho but wants it sweet, simple, small and not ridiculous $ wise. I heard this 5 way Bose surround set-up and loved it. Had all the qualities I'm looking for. Can I do better? Space, remember, is the MAJOR factor. My bedroom, although nice size, is still my bedroom. Thanks in advance. warren
Yes. Go to the Mangepan site and link through to their home theatre system.
A few more that come to mind: Definitive Technology, KEF, Klipsch, Tannoy. I believe that all of these companies have HTIB's with nice looking satelites and good sound. I also belive that Daniel Kumin in Sound and Vision does reviews on HTIB's on a regular basis, see if you can find a couple for direction on which way to look. Just some more thoughts.
Which 37" plasma monitor have you selected? What is the current street price?

I was going to go with the Panny 37. Can buy online for $3k, but now I've got to check into the LCD thing. Don't want to pay more than 3k. The Mitsubishi I saw was amazing, but way to expensive and it was only 30"
Warren, if you like the sound of the Blows, use 'em. Peel the Blows stickers off the front and buy some Sonus decals instead.

God forbid you should look up in a moment of passion (bedroom system) and see the Blows branding.......... It may cause an inverted smile curve ie: "shrinkage". Your wife, at that point, may not be as "gung ho" about the new system.

"Screw all these name brand Nancy's".

Just don't actually TELL anyone that you are using Blows. Although, now all of us Audiogonr's are aware of the possible Blows purchase. Of Course, you have at this point, lost even the slightest trace of credibility. BTW, a Blows purchase totally negates the fact that you made a good choice with the YBA. But, do what you feel comfortable with.

Have a nice day Warren, Ed.