Small and satisfying. Please help me.

OK guys. You've got me on the right track for a 37" plasma for my bedroom. I want to do it with surround sound. My wife is gung ho but wants it sweet, simple, small and not ridiculous $ wise. I heard this 5 way Bose surround set-up and loved it. Had all the qualities I'm looking for. Can I do better? Space, remember, is the MAJOR factor. My bedroom, although nice size, is still my bedroom. Thanks in advance. warren

Showing 12 responses by warrenh

Will I be able to listen to regular TV programing through the integrated amp I will eventually have for my DVD and speakers?
Rob (rsbeck) has shown me the light. A true gentleman and a scholar; and there's not many of us left. I'm not going 5 channel. Plain ole two monitors with a sub hooked to an integrated amp and a DVD player. That'll do me fine. Got to watch the 'gon for this stuff, 'cept the DVD player. Going to buy that new. Want to have DVI capabilities. Thanks my fellow audiophools. peace, warren
I'd really like to go the 5 channel route. I found the sound quite cool. The Bose system sounded nice, but I'm certainly not a Bose fan.
I checked out all the websites you've mentioned. I'm looking small and complete. An HT (5channel) system with DVD, amp, speakers, sub, the whole nine.
I was going to go with the Panny 37. Can buy online for $3k, but now I've got to check into the LCD thing. Don't want to pay more than 3k. The Mitsubishi I saw was amazing, but way to expensive and it was only 30"
Ed, lol. My wife is an ICOS rep. They manufacture Cialis. If I went with the Blows that would certainly help keep the wind in my sails. You know, I'd never go with Blows. It was a weak moment. Now, Radio Shack; there's a consideration.
Now that I've made this decision maybe you can help me, again. Space like I said is a factor. Two speakers and a sub? Or would two monitors without sub do it? Just need enough quality sound to make movie watching more....wondering if a sub is really necessary in a bedroom. Could you suggest speakers that are small and have decent lower extension and inexpensive? I will be only about 4 to 5 feet from my set.
I'm on it. Problem with acitive speakers, it seems, would be finding a used preamp at a resonable price? could be dead wrong on that. I'll check the 'gon.
As Gilda Radner use to say on Saturday Night Live. "Never mind." There's oodles of pre amps for sale. Should be easy to find one should I go with the Mackies. That might be the best way to go, especially if the sound is good as you say.
BOSE? Never. Just said I heard the system and was impressed with the surround sound gig. I've decided, since this is a bedroom, to skip the surround sound and just go with two speakers. I've decided on the Definitive Technology BP 7006. They are bipolar small (major bedroom wife factor) and have plenty of bottom slam. They'll do the job for what I want. Thanks for the feedback. peace, warren
Eduardo, I have decided on two speakers, but I gots to look at them. Those speakers, you recommended, are downright ugly. I figure if I follow the used amp and speaker route, I will find two small floorstanders with a great integrated for considerably less than 2k. Man, would I love to have my Theil 1.5s back, right about now. Even the 1.2s would be nice. Creek, Adcoms, Music Fidelitys, and the like will be coming up over the next few months, and a host of others. I'm not that picky with this HT deal. Just want something to make the movie watch a bit more interesting sound wise. I'll surely score with something on the 'gon. This is for the summer. Owe Uncle Sam so I've got to wait a little. I'm going with the Panasonic 32" LCD.
I leave in Point Lookout on Long Island. Right on the ocean. Not a good place for any kind of reception. Now, I get cable through Optimum. How do I go about making sure I can get HDT? Does it come automatically through my cable or is it a monthly fee they'll hit me for? warren