Cardas Caps Worthwhile?

Has anybody tried covering unused rca jacks on their preamp or a/v receiver with Cardas Caps? Another snake oil remedy or sonically worthwhile? Thanks, Ed
Hi Dekay, maybe you should buy one set at a time as I did. I only need one more to be complete. It is nice to know that no gunk can get in those rca connections, and the slight hum I still have in my system was reduced about 50%, so I considered that a bonus. Maybe the last set will make a difference. I'll post back here when I get them. I just ordered them, and expect them in about 5 days. I know that if I took the say... $150 total cost of 4 sets that I could probably get something that makes a more obvious difference, but purchasing them one set at a time, I hardly notice the expenditure. That Musical Fidelity amp is a class piece. Treat it to a nice, new, shiny new cap.
They are a nice cosmetic detail (visual aid comment is good), should do no sonic harm - possibly some tiny bit of good. I never expected to hear a difference and they didn't provide any. Usually the backside of audio gear sucks both from a RFI design and looks point of view. For me, it's more like the satisfaction I get in detailing something own to make it look just a lttle better and more mine. Hey, I love detailing my car too. These are impluse expendatures - like candy - too much is bad for you.
I can't believe it's not butter, or sorry, wrong lie. These did not make a single bit difference of on my Silverline preamp or my Krell amp. But they look really cool. Kind of like my eight ball shifter. But it made my truck shift faster. Really! No, I am serious Dale
When I take off two caps and insert a new component it is still nice to know that there is no extra dust and grime build up inside. Since my rack is 2 feet from a window in NYC I have come to appreciate anything that I don't have to dust or polish twice a week.These things are very easily removed, and don't fall off when brushed by. Perhaps those of us who didn't hear any, or much difference already have a reasonably low RFI problem, and these caps may still help those that have more severe problems, as in a few cases here.
Bmpnyc: Yes, I live in the LA area. We keep an open place (no air conditioning) and the air gunk covers everything (even dishes in closed cupboards). I never thought of putting anything on the unused inputs/outputs until I heard of the Caps. I cannot even see the back of any of my components, but feel better knowing that sticky air stuff is not coating the unused connections (it just makes sense, no matter what you use). Clean contacts are a must for good sound. I cannot believe the improvement in sound when I clean the pins on signal tubes (I have had noisy tubes become silent again, just from this).