Someone just dropped cash into your lap

If you suddenly came upon a financial windfall (you determine the ammount) but could only spend it in one of two places; source, or speakers, where would you put it and why?
Well, if I had came across an unexpected windfall of money right now, and if I wanted to upgrade my audio system, then as much as I would like to upgrade my speaker system, I would just let my speaker system be right now and upgrade my amplification and get a "state of the art" audio rig instead (and this is assuming that I will have either a Sony DVP-S9000ES or the newer Sony DVP-NS999ES in place by the time I perform this ULTIMATE system upgrade). And the following upgrades would be:

(01). Upgrade my amplification system. I would upgrade from my current Adcom GFA-545 MkII/GFP-750 combination to either a Bryston 4B-SST/BP-25, or get me a used Krell Power Amplifier and Preamplifier, and then upgrade the cables from my current MITerminator 2 and 3 Interconnects and Speaker Cables and get the MIT Oracle (either V1.1 or V2) Cables (both, the interconnects and speaker cables) instead.


(02). I would go out and get me a killer analog rig. And it would consist of a VPI TNT Mk V combined with either a JMW Memorial 12 or a Graham 2.2 Tonearm, mount me a Grado Reference Statement at the end of it, and then run it through an AcousTech PH-1 Phono Stage.

I would keep the rest of my system intact the way it is right now, and then later on, when my budget recovers, I would upgrade the speaker system either Thiel's latest $2,500.00 Speaker System and then combine it with Thiel's Subwoofer or upgrade to a pair of Ariel Acoustics 10 T's. Do those few little things, and I'll be a happy camper for an AWFULLY long time.

That's what I would do if I came across an unexpected windfall of money.

common people, lets dream here, first I would get anything burmester sold those big silver amps that look like ice chests, all their cd players and pre amps, just to piss off the purests I like a z system 6 channel equalizer, cables does it really matter with eq? Speakers hey lets try the big 99's from burmester and then the trios but lets get some exotic italian amps from graaf, or stay ss and get the pipe dreams or atc 70's or grand utopias.

Get a super cool room (disconected from the house)dcorated in east indian exotic colorfull materials and tapastries
on the wall, add some belly dancers,couple of cases of great and expensive german wine, and while we are dreaming
lets throw in a sample pack of viagra and the dixe chicks (not that I need the viagra but I want to play as long as this dream can last.
Great post.

Kelton, that's the spirit! If you're going to dream ... Dixie chicks and German wine!!!