Plinius SA-100 vs. Rowland Model 2

anyone able to describe the differences between these amps from personal experience - they will be used to power Sonus Faber Extremas - I am looking for more transparency and dont listen at high volumes (the Extremas seem to be susceptible to treble glare), and clean (not fat) bass
Gentlemen, I realize that we all love our tube amplifiers but before we attempt to sway someone we should attempt to answer his question. There have a few posts and the only one who has attempted to answer the question of Rowland Vs. Plinius is Redkiwi. It's ok for us to render our opinions but lets address the question first. Ronslam may have his heart set on a solid state amp.
I have owned the Extremas and powered them with a Rowland Concentra. The sound is warm and for low to medium listening levels can be very satisfying. I also paired them with a Classe 25 (250 watts) and the sound opened up considerably. Tube gear in my opinion would be a poor choice considering that the Extremas can take all the power you can throw at them and still ask for more. I agree with Tacs as I am using an Llano VPLEX-200 with Artemis EOS monitors and the sound is superb. I would look at a minimum of 250 watts of Class A power, more if you can afford it, in order to appreciate what the Extremas can do.