Tubes vs Solid State

In the interest of power is there much really sacrificed in quality of sound in choosing SS over tubes. I heard the transistors are semi-conductors while tubes are conductors. Can semi-conductors truly replicate the tube sound or does it come close enough.
Hold on here. A solid state amplifier can in fact be made to sound tubelike. Many sucessful examples were Class A designs. These were large, heavy and ran hot.;the very thing solid state was supposed to have eliminated.Ultimately though, there have been just as many blunders on both sides of the fence. I run tubes because I value ultimate naturalness in the voice. No solid state has been able to deliver this that I have heard. They have come close, but still no cigar.
Try an Aloia with the inductive power supply......close, and maybe part of a cigar?
you should have both ready to switch depending on your itch. but it has to be single ended tube and a good mosfet design like the bel amps.
I would have to say get and retain both. I like to switch
every once and a while, they both have their inherit
strengths and weaknesses.
would you recommend with my system - NAD Silver Series CD, Pre and Power (250w) plus Dynaudio 1.3SE.

I am very interested in hearing the tube difference - would I hear enough of a difference maintaining the NAD Pre?