Will tubes rock?

I have to get a new amp, my acurus A150 was destroyed in a recent move (don't ask). What survived of the move were my spicas, acurus ACD-11 and parasound pre.
I keep seeing great deals on tube amps, and wondered if as a class I should be auditioning these during my search. I've heard some Cary and VTL products in systems that sounded wonderful but were way out of my league. 70% of my collection is rock with less than stellar recording...the rest is jazz, folk, and orchestral. Any thoughts?
.......major Typo above, Line 2 should be POWER 2, except for the last sentence which is correct. Sorry.
Music Reference RM200 Tube amp by Rodger Modjesky was $3600 retail-purch. new. $2300. 6550C in it now. JJKT88 about to roll. This push pull amp has never failed to rock from whatever was played thru it. Satrianni to space music. A little laid back for some. This room is not to large (13X25) w/burbur carpet. Rest of sytem: Sound Wave Point Source 4.5, 2.5 & Diolog center speakers by vero research inc. w/Vandersteen 2WQ subs. ARC LS10 ss pre & Anthem AVM2surround/AVC3amp & Straightwire Crescendo/BlacSilc/Seranade/Infolink cables. comprise 2ch. & theatre.
Given the room dimensions (though it's pretty square which can be a big problem) you could feasibly rock with a little 2A3 3 watt/channel amp if you paired it with efficient speakers. Most any linear (as neutral as you like it) push/pull amp would widen your speaker options. I have already experimented with different tubes (output and driver) in my 300B amp and can extend the frequency extremes, though with losing some midrange roundness, just by changing the 6922 tube.