Sonic Frontiers Preamps - Cold & thin?

In reading reviews on SF preamps, there seem to be two camps: those who think they are among the best tube units out there, & those who think they sound analytical, & thin in the midrange & treble. Would like to hear other's experiences & how they would rate them against AR & CJ. Also, how does the SFL-2 compare to the newer Line models?
I have found all SF products I've auditioned in my system (pre's and power amps) to range from neutral to a bit thin. The electrostatics I have now are probably a contributing factor due to their detail and transparency. But I have not found SF to be lacking at all -- just a different sonic signature. I know this thread is about pre amps, but... those Power 3's certainly don't suck. Certainly not with speakers thar rock yo balls off. They gots big ones. So far as SF's or anything else sounding like "wire with gain" is concerned, please pass me whatever it is you're smoking right now ;-)! Isn't this everyone's dream? Best, Jim.
I used to own an ARC LS22 which I sold after I bought a Line 3. The Line 3 sounds more neutral than the LS22 (I find that I like it better as I don't won't my system to add or subtract anything from the source material). Added bonuses are the seperate power supply and superb digital volume control. I suspect that one would have to go up to the ARC Ref 2 to get equal or better performance. Considering that the Ref 2 costs more than twice as the Line 3 makes me view the later as a 'best buy'.
went from pre 1 to line 3 and it was an incredible transformation to my system. line 3 resolved more information and delivered a seemingly wall of power or additional force that my system previously lacked. have had other gear and the SF products seem to agree with my ear. the source is everything improve it and you improve the result