Tubes & Audio Research Corp.

When Audio Research ships a set of tubes, they have them individually marked to match a certain area where they want you to install them. As long as they are the same type of tube does it make a difference which tube goes where? Are you better off buying replalcement tubes through Audio Research and pay 3 times the normal price for them for the testing they do?
I called up Audio Research and asked the same question. The technicial responded that I would see slightly diminished performance by buying non-AR tubes. He said that they match the tubes as octets (for a vt100),and that they match more closely than OEM manufacturers. Hard to put a number on it. The cost does not appear to be threefold however. I priced a replacement tube set from thetubestore at around 350 w/shipping, and the AR set is 517 from a local dealer. It appears that people on this board have had good and disastrous experiences. Any suggestions on good tube retailers ?
"Uncle" Ned at Triode Electronics. He seems like a straight shooter to me. Tubes ARE tested. I have not had a problem and as stated above tubes are guaranteed for 6 MONTHS. Also prices are very competitive.
I second the info on the California guy, he told me that he wouldn't sell 8802's (Mullard gold pins) unless I was a previous customer of equiptment. I ask him if Mullard made 7308's and his answer was"sort of". When I ask him to elaborate he said he didn't have time to give history lessons. I bought some Mullard 8802's from Tubeworld. To the subject of tubes from ARC, Steve Huntley is currently doing some mods on a SP 9 MKIII for me and he needed the tubes to adjust the bias to match the tubes. I could have the terminology incorrect but perhaps ARC does the same thing to each unit since there is an adjustment. Thanks to everyone for participating on this site. Richard
Richard, I don't think your opinion carries much validity, after jerking me around twice on a pre-amp. I've got good service from the forementioned "California guy" lately, I suggest if you have an issue with him, you ought to get in touch and see what can be worked out.