Any merits of getting a Krell FPB 200 C with my existing KRC

Hi just wondering about the merits of upgrading my old KSA 200 S to a FPB 200 C but matching it with my old KRC - the current KCT is just too costly. Are there any merits to getting the Cast tchnology for the FPB 200 C when my preamp doesn't support it?

My other option is to plonk dowwnwards and trade in the KSA 200 S and the KRC for an integrated KAV 300iL - will I expeience a significant drop in sound quality that I'm used to?

Speakers are Acoustic Energy AE 1's which could be a tad bright.

Any feedback much appreciated.
I doubt you would experience a substantial loss of sound quality with the integrated in place of the separates. However, Krells are not particularly suited to bright speakers in any case, which is possibly why you're not happy with your setup?
Some of the slightly richer sounding electronics, electrocompaniet, plinius might do the trick.
Or, geez, find yourself a lower powered tube amp and enjoy the sound. After three years listening to a modified counterpoint amplifier, I do not think I could go back to a solid state setup without ear bleed!
Thanks guys for your response so far.

To Tacs: Not that I'm unhappy with my current setup but the KSA keeps blowing and I'm fed up with having to get it repaired. The reason for moving to the integrated was to make things simpler. The reason I mentioned the brightness of the speaker is b/c they are of the metal dome tweeter variety and was told that the older Krell kAV 300 i was in fact bright especially in the mids and treble and was wondering about the current incarnation.

To Audionut: Actually my preamp is the plain KRC and not the HR - it was a bummer as I bought it before they changed to the HR version and my dealer didn't infrom me of the upgrade option. Can't afford the KCT at the moment or would have gone for the CAST kaboodle since I've heard raves about it. Did Steven indicate to you if there will be a cheaper version of the KCT out? Seems like the consensus is that Cast technology doesn't really matter unless you are using Cast cables. Also was worried that the current generation may be replaced soon. Krell seem to replace their products every 3 years or so and the current generation FPB C's are probably fast approaching that.

To Lev355: Did you audition a non cast version of the FPB 200 with the current cast versions?

But I guess my ultimate thought is with times so tough out there - I'm OK personally but still do not want to indulge in conspicuous consumption - would moving from separates to the integrated give me a setup I wouldn't be able to accept. In this respect, anyone who has auditioned the separates with the integrated would be a great help.


Go for the FBP-200c. I started with 300I int amp traded for a KAV-250a---what a difference. Then I upgraded to a FBP-200c with my KRC-3--could not believe what I was hearing. Go for the best possibe amp you can and build your system around it. I happen to think Krell products sound so great, worth every dollar you spend.You will not be dissapointed!!