What'sBest Deal Tube PreAmp New or Used?

I've solved my amp problems by going solid state, but still want some tubes in my pre. Trouble is I've spent all my money on my amp. Anyone know a best deal in a tube pre that'll keep me happy until I can save up for a real nice one? If I liquidate my Aragon pre, I figure i'll have about 350 or 400 for a tube. Conrad Johnson PV-10?
Very slim pickings for a decent tube pre amp at the $400. level.You might find a decent passive at that price.Hold out and save $600.and you can get yourself some pretty decent tube gear that will also hold the same resale value such as an Anthem Pre1L or a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 .Keep searching the ads and best of luck !
Lihifiguy is right on about the Sonic Frontiers SFL-1. At $500. to 650. used, it is an excellent pre-amp. Stereophile Class B in its day-- it only has one tube but yields genuine "tube" qualities that can be easily (and cheaply) changed to suit your taste with aftermarket tubes, eg NOS. I used the SFL-1 for 3 years. Good Hunting. Craig
The PV-10 or the Anthem sound good to me. The Anthem will sound more like solid state than the CJ.