AR 100.2 or Aragon 8008BB?

The local dealer's got a 6 month old mint AR 100.2 for about the same price ($2,600) as a new Aragon 8008BB. I've got a pair of B&W 640i's and listen mostly to acoustic jazz in a large (20 x 30), open room with 10' ceilings. Two Paradigm PS1200 subs handle the low end. Every now and again, I enjoy cranking up some Rock and Reggae. Also, much of the time it'll be added to an existing 5 ch. Adcom in an HT set up with an Acurus ACT3. Any suggestions???
hello-the older adio research solid state amps blow both of these away. the d-400 being the best choice, then the d-300 ,and last the d-250.i've seen them range from 2500.00-1200.00. if you can hold out for a d-400 you won't be sorry- the power supply is really superior.the 100.2 is a great amp but lacks the power to really drive hard loads. i had alot of trouble with the power switch on mine. had to buy the wrong amp to know what a great amp was.
I have listened to both amps extensively.

The AR 100.2 will give you much better sound quality. It is pretty high powered for a tube amp and will be able to drive a lot of different speakers.

The 8008BB is a high current ss amp that will let you drive almost any loudspeaker. Personally I think this amp sounds dry and dark.
hello again-i had vanderstein 3's and also b&w 802 matrix iii. don't get me wrong the 100.2 is a great sounding piece-very tube like quality sound.the moment you hear the d-400 the sound is similar but has a control and ease over the speakers that is awsom. a friend of mine just replaced his bryston 7b's with a d-400 -driving maggie 3.6's and he still can't believe how good it sounds. good luck
The AR 100.2 is not a tube amp. It is a solid state amp and has got to be one of the great "sleepers" of all time. I own one and I love it. It is 100 wpc and I have found it to have plenty of power. I have used mine with Thiel 1.5 speakers (86db efficient) and I am now using it with Gallo Nucleus Reference speakers. This amp is sooo musical I can hardly stand to turn my system off. I cannot recomend it highly enough. Before I bought mine, I compared it to a AR VT100 mk2 tube amp. I prefered the sound of the 100.2.