Classe or Bryston?

Currently using a Bryston 9B with Aerial 8/surround system; not enough juice! I can augment two Classe CA-150 used as monoblocks with a CAV-75 bridged 3-way for center and rear, or just beef up the power to the 8's with another Bryston amp such as the 4B-ST. Anyone else had a similar showdown to determine the Canadian champ?
Us agressors need to stick together on here. There's far too much politeness going around! I don't have an HT setup, but Krell makes better amps than anybody outside the US, except maybe Burmester. DEFINITELY BETTER THAN ANY COMPANY FROM CANADA!!!
The answer here becomes an issue of what you are looking for. If your objective is for optimum home theater performance the Bryston will wow you and your friends-it is impressive in its ability to create a large enveloping soundstage-but it cannot match the pure musicality of the Classe. I'm using two Classe 151's with Aeriel 6's (cj preamp). Emotionally involving in a way the Bryston cannot reach. I auditioned the Aeriels-cj with the 7BST's in the same room. If you want music- go Classe, if you want great sound effects while watching Hollywood's latest trash- go Bryston.
I'M not into home theater anymore just plain stereo. But I still know it's lame to mix and match channel power and speakers. Don't people know that the most optimal sound quality and refined sound will come from matching everything. every speaker should be the same, all the wires should be the same, and all the amp channels. that way all the the sound comeing from each speaker will be matched and blend harmoniously together. I don't care if the amp is from the same company. If it's not the exact same amp it's going to have different sonics. and maybe the speakers have the same tweeter and woofer but if the enclosure is different than guess what? the overall sound will be different. I'm sure the sytems sound great but they could be so much better. I'm tired of hearing about the great gear people have then finding out how chinnsy they set it up.
And I don't have an HT setup either. Glad to hear that you know how to set up your system. I agree, most 'philes out there don't have anything close to a "correct" setup.
First to Carl.... You've been watching that South Park movie too much. ******************************************************* Then to Tjreed..... Why don't you get emotionally involved with a woman? ******************************************************** Now The Speaker choice... Bryston or Classe... Now don't get emotional on me...but lets see (flipping through the recommended components in Stereophile for the last few years.... yep there's the 7b's in class A every damn year. Now (getting out magnifying glass) nope can't find the Classe other than the Omega: Hmmmm price is $15,000 U.S. dollars. $5,000. for the Bryston 7B... I am starting to get emotional... and for you south park fans that like Krell ... $11,000. which other reviewers published preferred the Bryston 7b's. For home theater it is desireable to have everything match but if you find some bargains out there a proper setup can be accomplished quite well by knowing the specific technical information regarding the speakers/ amplifiers and spending a few bucks to modify. If you don't know what your doing... Just go and sell everything you have and start over. Even running Bryston's powerpac 120 to five identical speakers may likely sound better than the mix & match approach...especially for home theater... and if you have any intention of playing dvd audio....etc..