Femto clocks ,every unit should have one

I was reading in Computer Audiophile even the .$400 Geek pulshas a a Femto clock. It is inexcusable for any credible company to not consider a Femto clock they are 1,000s of times more accurate then a a Pico master clock. We are speaking of a a Trillion times ,vs millions.
More accuracy ,equals less jitter more refined ,better resolution.
These clocks were several $1,000s a few years ago . Now a .085 Femto clock maybe $50 and made in the U.S.A the Geek puke use this.
I bought so Wyred SE dac then realized it has far superior low distortion parts but over looked a major part,the new kid in the block the Femto clock.i have been asking them to upgrade this dac most far no response ?
Why .they still have a lot of old pico clocks they want to off.
If buying any new dac a Demand a a Pico clock.BTW the vega dacs parts are not as close tolerance as the wyred SE dac,but it does have a Femto clock. Wyred needs now to step up to the plate .it sounds very good
It could be that much better with this clock.
"More accuracy ,equals less jitter more refined ,better resolution."

This is total nonsense. There is ZERO correlation between accuracy and jitter. None. Period.

I don't want to have to 'slpain this again............
I have been ripping CDs to server and playing from there exclusively for the last few years.

Have not figured out a good way to doctor up the disk storage to date though. I'll leave that to those better suited to the task like GEoff and wait for the next big Machina Dynamica Innovation.
I just upgraded my Wyred DAC-2 (base version) with the femto clock. Turnaround was very fast. Mailed out and back in my system in exactly a week. Sounding great so far.