Femto clocks ,every unit should have one

I was reading in Computer Audiophile even the .$400 Geek pulshas a a Femto clock. It is inexcusable for any credible company to not consider a Femto clock they are 1,000s of times more accurate then a a Pico master clock. We are speaking of a a Trillion times ,vs millions.
More accuracy ,equals less jitter more refined ,better resolution.
These clocks were several $1,000s a few years ago . Now a .085 Femto clock maybe $50 and made in the U.S.A the Geek puke use this.
I bought so Wyred SE dac then realized it has far superior low distortion parts but over looked a major part,the new kid in the block the Femto clock.i have been asking them to upgrade this dac most far no response ?
Why .they still have a lot of old pico clocks they want to off.
If buying any new dac a Demand a a Pico clock.BTW the vega dacs parts are not as close tolerance as the wyred SE dac,but it does have a Femto clock. Wyred needs now to step up to the plate .it sounds very good
It could be that much better with this clock.
I am sure if wyred 4 sound uses it they will implement it and do what is neccesary to get it to work properly. This clocks are not Gimmicks
They absolutely are much faster,and read more accurately.more and more
Companies are starting to use them.several years ago these clocks were $1,000s of dollars like any new digital product,look at MSB they are masters of making it a BIG thing Atomic clock, they have a first rate a Femto clock with additional massive filtering,and power supplies
And tac on another $5k I am sure it sounds verygood but $5k extra is a big
Piece of change. Try it for yourself in your personal unit,then decide
On how it sounds .
Hello Pal I had been Beta testing the Femto clock Weeks ago . It is noticably more refined and digs deeper into the recording .it will bring out though any weaknesses down stream . Well worth the $$ few bucks extra.
I just spoke with Clint from Wyred 4 Sound and they loved the Femto and will be using it going forward for the updates. Mine is shipping back to me today. Looking forward to it.
Hello Pal, I have had the clock for over 300 hours now .i spent a fair amount of time with fuses,the a Synergistic 20mm 2.5Aslow blow
Is for sure better then the a Furutech fuse it comes with, Rhodium by nature is always a bit brighter,the Synergistic fuse or Hifituning Supreme
Is a better fit ,deeper soundstaging as well as micro details, for $50 well worth it , buy the fuse and send it to Clint they will instal it .between me and friends we have 4 brands .the audiohorizons is good but Too bright
I always give fuses 200 hours to fully settle in. Now about the Femto clock
Since Wyred spent so much time and effort in all the precision parts the Femto clock is an Automatic upgrade that you can hear ..I put a bug in their ears for several months. 82 Femto seconds,just look up Femto vs pico seconds. They found the best in it's respective size,and made in the U.S.A
This is why I got one of two dacs with the upgrade and this clock has the best specifications in it's class, even way down into the hz band very clean .it does take 250to Over 300 hours to fully refine I have logged every 24 hours with the same 8 test songs for a reference.The soundstage is noticably deeper as well as inner detail and dynamics bass seems a bit more defined the sonics are a bit more organic sounding. I mentioned that I bought a better pair of interconnects for this dac really pulls out what is on the disc.now I feel this dac now is complete .I will also mention though a Good power cord makes a nice added improvement .I have a revelation audio labs Silver power cord ,as well as a Wire world Silver electra7
I am trying to decide which is better for my setup they both are excellent.plugged into a brick wall line conditioner ,a great unit for little money,and they even make a 20 Amp model for amplifiers,- that is my Tip of the day !!
The term Femto clock is actually a registered trademark for IDT for a MEMS type oscillator, but i suspect this is not what we are talking about here. W4S are talking about Femto grade clock. I contemplate they are referring to jitter performance in the femtosecond range. Did anybody check out if this jitter is specified for the Audio range, or the industry standard 'Sonet range' of 12 kHz - 20 MHz? (In which case the low jitter spec is pretty much useless).