Top Ten Turntables of All Time??

Ok another top ten thread.With he renewed interest in vinyl,heres a chance to plug your favorite and help fellow audiogon members.I havent bought a new turntable since 1982. So I will start with mine. HK T60 with Grado Signature One Cart.Like the HK a lot,although probably does not quailfy for top ten,but had to start thread somewhere.So help me and the rest of us rediscover analog at its best. THANKS!!!!
AR- historic/influential Linn Sondek-successful/influential Transcriptors-innovative Roksan-innovative/radical Townshend-obsessive Well Tempered-innovative Verdier Platine-innovative Oracle Delphi-styling Roksan XerxesX/TMS-musical Michell Orbe-musical Nottingham Analogue Mentor-musical Verdier Platine-musical The Voyd(AudioNote)-musical Townshend Rock-musical Well Tempered Reference- musical Oracle Delphi MkIV /V-musical Linn LP12/Naim Armeggedon-musical
Sony PSX800. Direct drive, Linear tracking servo-controlled arm, very complex electronics, goes against all the audiophile wisdom. But, it performs flawlessly. Sorry about that.
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