Top Ten Turntables of All Time??

Ok another top ten thread.With he renewed interest in vinyl,heres a chance to plug your favorite and help fellow audiogon members.I havent bought a new turntable since 1982. So I will start with mine. HK T60 with Grado Signature One Cart.Like the HK a lot,although probably does not quailfy for top ten,but had to start thread somewhere.So help me and the rest of us rediscover analog at its best. THANKS!!!!

Showing 4 responses by eldartford

Sony PSX800. Direct drive, Linear tracking servo-controlled arm, very complex electronics, goes against all the audiophile wisdom. But, it performs flawlessly. Sorry about that.
Elizabeth... I thought this was about good performing turntables, not investments. Actually I have never seen one for sale at any price. Can you direct me to one?
elizabeth...As it happens, for the first time I have seen a Sony PSX800 turntable for sale: current bid is $115 and we'll see what it sells for. You may be right about the price, even if I am right about the quality of this item.

The question is: Why would an outstanding turntable not command a higher price? Here is a theory...Only audiophiles still have any interest in turntables. The PSX800, as I stated, goes against all the accepted characteristics of audiophile turntables. It is direct drive, ugh! (Well maybe some direct drive tables have problems, but not this one). It was made by a mass market manufacturer. It is fully automatic, ugh! ugh! The servo controlled "biotracer" arm requires an engineering degree (and microprocessor experience) to understand. (I was always afraid it would go into "woodpecker mode" but it has never happened). Since I plan to keep mine forever, its resale value is interesting, but not a concern.

By the way, popularity of the AR turntable is easily explained..nostalga. I was around when it was introduced, and it really was a breakthrough. Soft suspension with the arm moving with the platter, belt drive instead of those horible rubber idler wheels, synchronous motor, and all for an affordable price. Many people feel about the AR turntable the way I feel about 1947 Dodge cars, and my first real girlfriend.
elizabeth...The for sale Sony PSX800 turntable (which you thought was worth $100) was bid up to $315, but the seller's reserve price was not met. Does this make the PSX800 three times better?