Where can I get my Audio Aero Capitole CDP repaired

I have a Audio Aero Capitole CDP that doesn't get much use, when I went to use it the other day I got an error message the says no disc, when there clearly is a dic installed. I have tried cleaning the lens, turning the machine off and on to no avail. Any ideas on where to send the unit. Thanks in advance for any and all help!

3 places:
Good Will
Ebay starting price $.99
Under truck wheels to make it flat before recycling.
Sedonix used to be a distributor and On A Higher Note as well previously I think. DTS Audio in Canada may be able to help too. Peter at Pbn Audio helped others with this player - he is a terrific guy to deal with. I have this player and think it is terrific. Good luck, Kevin
Cut WTF stuff,
Every time I hear about AAC CD-player, I freak out bcoz it
always breaks and plays sometimes with very nice sound.