FeedBands...new subscription LP service

Has anyone ever heard of this or are actually a member/subscriber?

Just an FYI to any members here who are still subscribing to Feedbands. I got this message but it was moved to my spam folder. I'm posting it here just in case if this message was missed by other members who had the same thing happen to them.

Feedbands July Madness
June's Delay, July's Coming Up, August is shipping on time!
Dear Fantastic and Friendly Feedbands Community,

A few months back we began the process of switching to a different record press. As much as we loved the company we were working with, we knew it was absolutely essential that we reliably deliver our records on time, each and every month. And so we began the process of moving a new press.

June's record is the first pressing from this new press and it is an incredible record that you are going to love. But on to the bigger question: where IS June's record?

The bad news is that June's record has not gone out yet.

The good news is that June's Record, July's Record and Augusts' record are all on their way, expected in less than two weeks. Which means June's record is going out soon, July's record will follow, and August will be shipping on time starting August 1. We're cranking away on our new releases and everything with the new record press is in full swing.

Overall, the switch to the new press has been successful and we have every confidence that starting on August, and for the rest of eternity, our records will FINALLY be shipping on time!

We thank you again for from the depths of all our hearts for your patient which truly knows no bounds, and after the month of July we will have fully weathered the storm of the timing of our shipments.

So, just to recap, June and July's record is shipping mid July, and August's record is shipping on time. You'll have a lot of incredible music to spin this summer and moving forward things will be as smooth as pie.

Hey everyone. Just an FYI.

Feedbands may be adding other types of music and instrumentals to those who are subscribing monthly. Check out this survey and fill it out. Make your opinions heard if you had gripes with them.


I still subscribe to Feedbands and am happy with the LPs even though they haven't been timely with their deliveries.

Just putting this out there as an FYI.

Feedbands has revised their website and it now has a streaming audio feature. Here is one thing I just found out. They now offer a yearly subscription for $245.95 vs. paying $22.90 a month from the premium vinyl which amounts to $274.80. I cancelled my monthly membership and signed up for the yearly subscription. I know it is only a difference of $28.85 total but some savings is better than none.

Also their website is having issues with the login today. If you want to revise your subscription just call feedbands support at 888-407-9713.

Thanks everyone.
so you're basically paying $245.95 for 12 records shipped?
not a big deal at all considering that not everything is worth purchasing for over $20 per piece.
if you filter out albums you don't like or not to your taste or both, you'll end up having only portion of albums out of 12, so for the ones you like you'll be paying SUBSTANTIALLY more.
so anyone used MATH to figure out? I did.
the cheapest way is to purchase individual album instead of subscription.
to support alternate and unknown bands the best place is http://www.bandcamp.com no subscription necessary and substantially more participating bands and styles.
Hi Czarivey

Thanks for the input. With Feedbands if you don't like the current record you can choose from an album from their previous catalog now. That feature wasn't offered before. Also If you don't like any of those LPs they will refund the cost of the record for that month. From reading the invoices they send with each record you also have a 60 day return/refund period. They even added a preview for the upcoming month's record so you can decline it right off the bat. With all this that is why I have no problem with paying for the yearly sub. You can't lose IMO. So far in all the time I've been subscribing to feedbands I haven't had a record that I wanted to return. To each is their own I guess. I do check out bandcamp from time to time but I confess I do like the Feedbands experience more.