Nordost Valhalla

I'm currently using this XLR between pre & power but it can be quite unforgiving. Any suggestions for an alternative withouit sacrificing any detail, speed etc...& without breaking the bank?

The Vahalla's can be edgy and expensive. I use the Cabledyne Reference silver XLRs and the full spectrum is very smooth and focused. Prices are crazy cheap. FWIW.

This review convinced me:
I would try Vahalla 2. I found that they are revealing without the edge, plus your dealer will take them in trade.

*we are a dealer for Nordost, but really feel the Valhalla 2 is amazing...
High Fidelity CT-1 Enhanced. replaced my Valhalla IC's. Even more detail, but without the edge, and more body. These really are what many say they are.

Have not heard Valhalla 2's. Still use Valhalla shotgun bi-wire speaker cable and love it.
