What is your most anal audio habit?

Another "most" thread. What is your most anal (but meaningless) audio habit? I know most of you are anal by the condition of the used items listed in these classifieds!

I am embarrassed to say that I save all the plastic wraps off new CDs and box sets because they have that little sticker saying what was on the album.
I don't have any meaningless anal audiophile habits. They all have a purpose!
Driver is right--all audio habits serve a very important purpose. Particularly getting the humidity right in the audio room. Actually, mine is somewhat video related. I hate the cases that DVD's come in. I wish they were CD sized, so I scan in the cover and make my own CD sized labels and put them in a standard CD jewel case. They take up less space, and I can store them in the same cabinet I use for CDs.
I don't put a new CD case in my CD rack until I've taken off that little bit of adhesive that always stays on the case, from that stupid little holographic seal they put on under the clear plastic wrapper. The bonehead who thought up that sticker should go through life with one on each eye.

I'm leaving now..
Mine is to never allow more than 1/8" layer of dust to accumulate on my gear. Once it gets past 1/4", reading the displays can get pretty tough.