Synergistic Research MIGS

Have anyone used these before? If so what is your experience?
I have had them in my system for a couple years. Simply put they are amazing. I had previously been using BDR cones but the migs do a far better job. They are a very affordable component.
IMO, everything is system-dependent. You simply have to
experiment to find what will work best for you.

PS, the MIGS lasted about five minutes under my amp and cd player.
But I would not have known this if I wasn't willing to try them, right?

Think of them as a link in the reproductive chain, influenced by
your floor, your rack/shelving, the piece you are using them under...
You are simply looking for the best fit, which means "best for you."
Nothing special for my system so I sold the MIG's.
The Marigo Mystery Feet - now these are amazing under everything!