How do I know if seller is selling genuine cables?

Lot cables on this site are at good price but it fears me that may be I will end up with a fake cable. Is there any grantee that seller is selling a genuine cable?
Beware of Fake NBS Statement Power Cords being sold on Craigslist

The Poster states Las Vegas but when you ask to go and pickup and pay

you are told they come have to come from China


This is a real problem, I've now seen over a dozen fake Audio Note Japan cables that people paid good money for.
All I can say is BE CAREFUL !
Dealer disclaimer
Is it just me or are there always alot of Audioquest Sky for sale on this site at really low prices? They almost never have a box with them (unless priced higher). I have wanted to try the Sky but am skeptical of the fakes. Someone may have great feedback here on Agon but may not know the history of what they are selling. Is great feedback enough to accept the cables as the real deal?
I'm a fan of supporting the companies that sell direct. Signal Cable, Morrow, MAC, and Audio Art are just a few examples. The pricing on most of their cables is generally about the same as a used cable of a similar quality from a brand that uses a distribution network and advertising. Plus, most of these brands offer at least a 30-day in-home trial.
Having a legit receipt helps but the seller could have just purchased one legit pair & is still passing off fakes. Places like Audiogon are alot more reliable then places such as Ebay (where your more often to get a fake vs a real most of the time) but when looking though Audioquest cables on here, I have seen a suspecious seller even on here (prices seem to good, from Hong Kong).

Origional packaging would be a plus as some fakes won't include this & in the past if they did, it was usually poorly executed. I see the guys copying Audioquest have got much better with their fakes, their packaging now looks very close to the origional. As mentioned some companies will verify the cable for you (some to send in the cable while other can be done via emailed pics)