Valab Silver Power Cable - Any thoughts?

Hi everyone
I was just wondering if anyone has purchased one of these cables and what their thoughts are about them.
The positives the negatives etc....
Thanks in advance
I bought them over 2 years ago ( 3 of them ) sent 1 to many of my audiogon friends who all in turn bought their own. Not that we replaced all our cords but without mentioning names many of us gave up our 1000.00 cords in place of these.
I have nothing Negative to say. We were all surprised how this cord better low end then many of the $$$$$ cords.
You should look at his Interconnects.
Thanks Dave.
Just wondering where did you notice the biggest improvement? In CD player? Preamp? Power amp??
What is the bass quality like as well?
Thanks again
Power amp first I found a nice improvement. Then CD and last to me was Pre.
We find the cord very clean sounding, not bright but very fine definition. Low end is fast, tight and deeper then many others cords that cost 4 to 5 times more. Lot of fellows think if it does not cost $$$$$ it can't be as good.